real estate

Commercial Real Estate Photography and Videography

Below is an example of a photography and videography of a commercial real estate property in the Humboldt Park neighborhood prior to any major construction. It showcases the space in its raw format, and highlights the vibrant community around it, including the Chicago 606 Trail.

As you’ll see, it was a gorgeous day to be out photographing and filming at 1756 N. Kimball!

View of 1756 N. Kimball and the 606 Trail.

View of 1756 N. Kimball and the 606 Trail.

The 606 trail was quiet during this time — there was definitely more activity during the lunch hour.

The 606 trail was quiet during this time — there was definitely more activity during the lunch hour.

View of the building from the 606 Trail.

View of the building from the 606 Trail.

The arched beams featured in this part of the space are called bow trusses. I learned something new! :)

The arched beams featured in this part of the space are called bow trusses. I learned something new! :)

Rooftop showcases view of the 606 trail and trees in bloom.

Rooftop showcases view of the 606 trail and trees in bloom.

Behind the Scenes on Real Estate Lighting

In order to get real estate shoots to pop, we add additional light as needed. Here is a behind the scenes look on how to create well lit images in environments that might need that extra pop of light. In this example, the cabinets were not well lit by the available light.

An example of using more than available light to help the cabinets pop.

An example of using more than available light to help the cabinets pop.